Simplify your cloud experience

TPCloud provides Cloud Server / Public Cloud service operating on the only cloud system in Vietnam verified by VMware, in compliance with strict VMW global regulations on safety and high stability:

  • Using VMware virtualization technology and being deployed on the uniform architecture infrastructure of Cisco, EMC.
  • The system is deployed by VMware certified experts.
  • Safety, security: New storage technology. Optimal backup mechanism ensures secure storage.
Simplify your cloud experience

Smart management, flexible

Your management and operation will be minimal and save time. Businesses have access to VMware® vCloud to expand advanced management features:

  • Flexible configuration expansion: an automated management system for quick service initialization and an unlimited limit configuration.
  • Quick deployment, service initialization with just a few clicks.
  • Easy management: Automation automation management system, integrating many features allows administrators to manipulate themselves.
  • Reasonable costs: Saving initial investment costs, can pay according to the actual monthly use.
Smart management, flexible
Boost your business

With our Hybrid Cloud solutions, you don't need months or years to launch a project with complex setup and installation. Even when you want to temporary shut it down, after that you can re-load it fast and easily.

IT system Consistency

We will apply the same security policies and infrastructure builds as exist in your corporate environment. Ensuring your IT complexity and support overheads remain fixed.

Employee Engagement

Private Cloud of TPCloud platform reduce dependence and keep your business more effective thank to faster access, your team more free to engage to their tasks, .

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